Info-Tech Research Group, a global IT research and advisory firm, released research to help IT departments prepare for the metaverse. The research delves into potential risks of deploying metaverse solutions and outlines how to deal with them.
With the predicted explosion in metaverse tech around the corner, with potentially millions of users requiring the use of avatars with which to interact within virtual worlds, Info-Tech’s new research examines the future goals of metaverse pioneers, Microsoft and Meta, as well as what the metaverse is capable of currently.
“Strip back the narrative of the companies selling you the solutions, and the metaverse can be viewed as technological convergence,” says Research Director Brian Jackson in a press release. “Years of development on mixed reality, AI, immersive digital environments, and real-time communication are culminating in a totally new user experience. The metaverse makes the digital as real as the physical. At least, that’s the vision.”
Metaverse Trouble Ahead
While the metaverse is a promising industry, it involves risk like any other technological advancement. One primary risk for IT in the metaverse is that it offers hackers a broader surface of attack. The addition of mixed reality devices to a network introduces more weak points to online systems which hackers may use to launch cyber-attacks.
After all, recent attempts to simplify and speed up transactions via the Ronin blockchain used by gaming giant Sky Mavis for smash hit Axie Infinity may have played a part in allowing what appears to be the largest crypto heist on record.
In addition to security, good old-fashioned network congestion is another issue IT departments will need to prepare for. This is due to the fact that adding more devices “that deliver highly graphical content” increases pressure on networks. Info-Tech Research Group warns that the metaverse will require access points to maintain more connections and pathways, thus requiring higher bandwidth.
The warnings even go as far as to suggest that IT departments may require metaverse dress codes to ensure avatars wear work-appropriate attire. You have been warned.
“It will be years yet before the metaverse visions pitched to us from Silicon Valley stages are realized,” says Jackson. “In the meantime, understanding the individual technologies contributing to that vision can help CIOs realize business value today.”

Jack Brassell is a freelance journalist and aspiring novelist. Jack is a self-proclaimed nerd with a lifelong passion for storytelling. As an author, Jack writes mostly horror and young adult fantasy. Also an avid gamer, she works as the lead news editor at Hardcore Droid. When she isn't writing or playing games, she can often be found binge-watching Parks & Rec or The Office, proudly considering herself to be a cross between Leslie Knope and Pam Beasley.