Fighting Game franchise Tekken is coming to Netflix as an anime series. The show, Tekken Bloodlines, will adapt the original game’s story, following Jin Kazama as he rises to power. Netflix currently plans to release the new anime later this year.
The number of episodes and exact release date have not been announced. Nor has the streaming company revealed who is working on the show’s production team. However, Netflix has released the series’ first trailer.
Tekken’s Past Attempts At The Big Screen
This is not Tekken’s first foray onto the big screen. In 1998, Tekken: The Motion Picture hit the public. However, the 57 animated minute film didn’t do the series justice. Additionally, the live-action movie, Tekken, hit theaters in July of 2011. This film, too, failed to please audiences, receiving a 4.8 out of 10 from IMDB.
Tekken Bloodlines Trailer
“When destiny calls, a dark hero will rise” teases the Tekken Bloodlines trailer. According to the trailer, it appears Jin’s mother is teaching him to fight and control his anger. However, his mother dies in a demon attack, and Jin, motivated by anger and revenge, seeks out his grandfather to train him to fight. As Netflix states in the show’s synopsis, “Angry at himself for being unable to stop it, Jin vowed revenge and sought absolute power to exact it. His quest will lead to the ultimate battle on a global stage — The King of Iron Fist Tournament.” Additionally, the trailer also showed some characters familiar to franchise fans.
From Games To Film: The Transmedia Revolution Continues
Tekken is far from the only game franchise being adapted for a streaming service. Sony recently released the Uncharted film, starring Tom Holland as Nathan Drake. Likewise, a live-action adaptation of The Last of US is set to hit HBO in 2023. PlayStation is planning to make a Ghost of Tsushima film. Meanwhile, Netflix is producing a Bioshock movie and Radar Pictures is creating a TV adaptation of American McGee’s Alice.
Jack Brassell is a freelance journalist and aspiring novelist. Jack is a self-proclaimed nerd with a lifelong passion for storytelling. As an author, Jack writes mostly horror and young adult fantasy. Also an avid gamer, she works as the lead news editor at Hardcore Droid. When she isn't writing or playing games, she can often be found binge-watching Parks & Rec or The Office, proudly considering herself to be a cross between Leslie Knope and Pam Beasley.