Award-winning independent animation studio Aardman and immersive storytelling platform Atlas V showcased an exclusive glimpse of their VR co-production, The Grand Getaway, during The Future Games Show earlier this year which was followed by a premiere at the Venice Immersive Competition.
While The Grand Getaway is Wallace & Gromit’s first foray into the virtual reality space, the creators have recently shared that the new adventure will also be their first foray into mixed reality as well. Both companies have now released the full trailers for both the VR and MR experiences, revealing the worlds that fans can explore as they embark on VR and MR adventures.
The experience will also include Jamtastic!, a chaotic shooting gallery-style game that fans can get when they purchase The Grand Getaway VR adventure on the Meta Quest store.
“As they get ready for their golfing getaway with their new contraption Auto-Caddy and their assistant Beryl, they quickly realise that Wallace had his dates mixed up and that the only way to make it to Bognor Regis golfing resort on time is by taking the Rocket. But ever the maker of his own misfortune, Wallace soon causes mayhem with a clumsy mishap which sends their Rocket flying off course to Mars, where their adventure begins,” the description reads.
A cinematic VR adventure
Spanning 12 chapters, this immersive experience enables users to step into the roles of AutoCaddy, Gromit and Wallace. As they engage in a cinematic virtual reality adventure, they encounter the interactive elements that make VR enjoyable.
“The Jamtastic! team has put fun and replayability at the heart of the game. We want people to challenge themselves and each other to best their scores and compete with friends and family. We see this joyous mess of toast-based tests taking over your home as the perfect way to bring people together,” said the creators.
Wallace & Gromit in The Grand Getaway and Jamtastic! are a co-production between Aardman, Atlas V, in association with No Ghost and Albyon, with the support of immersive distributor and publisher Astrea and the Meta Quest team, and for Jamtastic!, the German producer Reynard Films.
Fans can now wishlist Wallace & Gromit in The Grand Getaway (VR) + Jamtastic (MR) on the Quest store or visit the official website.
Isa Muhammad is a writer and video game journalist covering many aspects of entertainment media including the film industry. He's steadily writing his way to the sharp end of journalism and enjoys staying informed. If he's not reading, playing video games or catching up on his favourite TV series, then he's probably writing about them.