Nine-time Emmy award-winning animation studio Baobab Studios has announced the launch of its new franchise – Momoguro. Beginning with its line of digital collectibles, created by Nico Casavecchia and Martin Allais, the experience is being guided into web3 with the help of ImmutableX.
The collectibles themselves made their debut at Metaverse Miami. Momoguro is part of Baobab’s continued mission to inspire the world to dream. Bring out the player’s sense of wonder.
Collect creatures with unique powers in the fantastical world of Momoguro. In this story-driven world, players fuse their collectables with creatures called Momos to gain their abilities and become ultra-powerful Momobeasts. You can also go on quests to unlock clues, discover long-forgotten secrets, and unite with Momos to defend the world from the self-serving forces seeking to divide it.
On the subject of Momoguro, ImmutableX’s Head of Games Business Development – Tim Steudler – expressed the company’s enthusiasm for bringing Baobab’s exciting new project to the blockchain.
“We are excited to partner with Baobab Studios to enhance their player experience and unlock a new universe of creative play for the community… Digital collectibles are the future of entertainment. Baobab’s team has a long track record of creating compelling, award-winning stories and characters in worlds where you can be part of the story.”
The Momoguro world and Baobab’s digital collectible game will launch in early 2023, followed by other digital collectibles, integration with metaverse platforms, and an expansion of the Momoguro franchise.
“In an increasingly divisive world, we believe in Momoguro’s message that supports community,” says Baobab Studios Co-Founder and CEO Maureen Fan. “Digital collectibles allow a community to get in on the ground floor in the creation of a new universe. By empowering players to be a part of the game’s story, we hope Momoguro encourages us to believe that we are stronger together.”
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